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Secret Lab Performance Marketing Strategy

The Background


The Task

Design a lead generation and nurturing strategy including

  1. Paid search campaign

  2. Email drip strategy

  3. Remarketing strategy via Google Display Network


Campaign budget: $10,000

The Research

Market Reseach

Market research has shown that there has been an increasing trend for gaming chairs over a 2 year period. Combined with high forecasted growth in APAC over the next 5 years due to the growing PC and console market.


This provides a good opportunity for Secret Lab to aggressively market their chairs as they can leverage the market being dominated by a few players.

Market research

The Channel Overview

Following the customer journey, each channel is targeted towards a different part of the funnel.


Secret Lab channel overvieww

The Search Ad

Search Ads

Since I was given a substantial budget, I crafted this ad structure to take advantage of the few variations of products that Secret Lab sells.


By having a campaign for just exact keywords and another for broad match modified (BMM) keywords, I can see which keywords a performing well from the BMM campaign and pull them into the exact keyword campaign.


More budget can then be funnelled into the exact keyword campaign to further optimize the click-through and conversion rate.


Secret Lab paid search structure

To prevent cannibalization from my other campaigns, numerous negative keywords would need to be excluded to ensure the budget is not wasted and the ad is served to relevant search queries.


Generic gaming

The Display Ad

Display Ads

Hardcore Gamers


Using information gathered from the market research, we can use display ads to target the hardcore gamers by using affinity (hardcore gamers), in-market (e-Sports), and custom intent audiences ( viewers).


By combining with content targeting, the display ads will be able to reach those hardcore gamers who are searching for a new gaming/computer chair. With this powerful targeting, it will help to boost the conversion rate and lower the cost per click of the display ads.


Hardcore gamer persona


Hardcore gamer targeting settings



For remarketing, I targeted users based on whether they were just browsing (did not add any item  to cart) or they were undecided (add to cart but did not complete the purchase).


This was to better serve them a display ad with a stronger and more relevant copy and creative to improve the click-through and conversion rate.


Remarketing targeting

Email Drip

The Drip

Email Drip Cycle


Upon opting in , every user will be be sent the same email cycle over 30 days which consists of

  • 2 gaming content

  • 1 product update

  • 1 promotion/referral email


After any 2 consecutive unopened emails, a retention email will be sent. If that fails, then the user will be removed from the email pool. 


The content themes for the gaming content and product update emails will be focusing on topics that interest our target audience (e.g. new game launches, updates about popular gaming streamers, etc)

Generic email drip campaign

Email & Landing Page Mock-up​


Create sense of urgency to push newly launched items (e.g. through offering users on mailing list the opportunity to pre-purchase these limited edition chairs).


Have clear Call To Action buttons and enticing copy to further push users to purchase the chairs.

The Reflections


I was quite excited about this project as content covered encompassed performance marketing, which is the role that I want to further explore upon completion of the course.


Coming up with that ad structure and understanding how to best optimize the ad campaign to achieve best performance is something that I enjoyed and hope that I have the opportunity to turn it into my future career path.

Check out my other projects!

Ninja Van

© 2020 Ameer Mattar

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